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Compiling Java Servlet - Exercise

A text editor

Objective: Confirm your JSDK installation by compiling a servlet.


This exercise is worth 1 point. The exercise is auto-scored, which means that all you have to do to receive credit for it is click the Submit button below.


  1. Using the text editor you chose in Lesson 4, create a new file and enter this code:
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class Simplest extends HttpServlet {
    // code goes here 
  1. Save the file as in any folder you choose.
  2. Set your classpath using this command in an MS-DOS prompt:
set classpath=%CLASSPATH%;c:\jsdk2.1\servlet.jar
  1. From the same prompt, change to the folder where you saved, and compile it.
    If it compiles without errors, you have successfully completed this exercise.