Annotations   «Prev  Next»

Deprecated Annotation

The Java specification describes the best practices on using add step located as follows:
1. It is strongly recommended that's the reason for deprecating a program elements be explained in the documentation, using the add deprecated javadoc tag. You cannot use this Annotation
in front of an1) abstract class because it is not an interface.
We are going to create a JavaDoc for the class
  1. 1) Highlight: HasDeprecatedMethod
  2. 2) Go to "Tools".
    When you use IntelliJ to generate JavaDocs, this is the output directory for the HTML


If you click on the doThis() method in the generated HTML documentation, it will take you to the bottom where there is more information.
* Using javadoc tag @deprecated
* @deprecated As of release 1.2, replaced by {@link #doThat()}

Java Doc and IntelliJ

The documentation above which is in the Java code, appears in the Java Doc that you generate with IntelliJ. If IntelliJ sees that a method is deprecated, you can replace it with a non-deprecated method. The documentation should also suggest a link to a recommended replacement API, if applicable. A replacement API often has subtly different semantics, so such issues should be discussed as well. There are some situations where you want to apply the same annotation to a declaration or type use. As of the Java SE 8 release, repeating annotations enable you to do this.

Deprecated Annotation

The Java specification describes the best practices on using @Deprecated as follows:
  1. it is strongly recommended that's the reason for deprecating a program elements be explained in the documentation, using the @deprecated Javadoc tag. The documentation should also suggest a link to a recommended replacement API if applicable. A replacement API often has different semantics, so such issues should be discussed as well.
  2. It is recommended that a since value be provided with all newly annotated program elements. Note that since cannot be mandatory, as there are many existing annotations that lack this element value.
  3. There is no defined order among annotation elements. As a matter of style, the since element should be placed first.

Which Java Annotations have been deprecated?

Java annotations are used to provide metadata about Java code and can be applied to classes, methods, variables, and other elements. Over time, some Java annotations have been deprecated, meaning that they are no longer recommended for use and may be removed in future releases. Here are some Java annotations that have been deprecated:
  1. @Deprecated: The @Deprecated annotation is used to indicate that a class, method, or field should no longer be used, and a replacement should be used instead. This annotation has been deprecated in favor of the more expressive @Deprecated(since="version") and @Deprecated(forRemoval=true/false) annotations introduced in Java 9.
  2. @Override: The @Override annotation is used to indicate that a method is intended to override a method in a superclass or interface. This annotation has been deprecated in Java 9 because it was not consistent with the behavior of the @Override annotation in other languages and was not always used correctly.
  3. @SafeVarargs: The @SafeVarargs annotation is used to indicate that a method with a variable number of arguments is safe to use with generics. This annotation has been deprecated in Java 9 because it can be misused and does not provide sufficient protection against heap pollution.
  4. @FunctionalInterface: The @FunctionalInterface annotation is used to indicate that an interface is a functional interface, which means that it has a single abstract method that can be used as a lambda expression. This annotation has been deprecated in Java 9 because it is redundant and not necessary for lambda expressions to work.

These are just a few examples of Java annotations that have been deprecated. It's important to keep track of deprecated annotations, as they may be removed in future releases and can cause compatibility issues with your code.