JDBC   «Prev 

Database Management System Types

JDBC is a platform-independent interface between relational databases and Java. In today's Java world, JDBC is a standard API for accessing enterprise data in relational databases (such as Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, PostgreSQL, and DB2) using the SQL (Structured Query Language). Data and metadata (data about data/information) are at the heart of most business applications, and JDBC deals with data and metadata stored and manipulated in relational database systems (RDBMSs). Note that each RDBMS has a lot of metadata, and JDBC maps some of those metadata in a uniform and consistent fashion by its API.
Question: What the purpose of the DatabaseMetaData Interface in Java SE 8?
The DatabaseMetaData interface in Java SE 8 provides a standard way for Java applications to retrieve metadata about the database they are connected to through the JDBC API. Metadata refers to data about the database itself, such as the names of tables and columns, the data types of columns, and the capabilities of the database. The DatabaseMetaData interface allows applications to retrieve this information at runtime, which can be useful for building dynamic and flexible applications that can adapt to different databases.
The DatabaseMetaData interface provides methods to retrieve information about the database's structure, such as the names of tables, columns, and indexes, as well as information about the database's capabilities, such as whether it supports transactions or stored procedures. It also provides methods to retrieve information about the JDBC driver being used to connect to the database. By using the DatabaseMetaData interface, Java applications can retrieve important information about the database they are connected to and use that information to adapt to the database's structure and capabilities. This can make it easier to build portable and flexible applications that can work with a variety of databases without needing to hard-code specific details about each database.

From List to Database Table

1) Simple List File : A list is simple and easy to use, but limited.
1) Simple List File : A list is simple and easy to use, but limited.

2) Relational Database 1: Table can collect and organize our information
2) Relational Database 1: A database table can collect and organize our information

3) Relational Database 2: A table can allow us to look at information by both rows (records) and fields.
3) Relational Database 2: A database table can allow us to look at information by both rows (records) and fields.

4) Object Oriented Database 1: A collection of objects not only organizes our lists but adds procedures for working with that information.
4) Object Oriented Database 1: A collection of objects not only organizes our lists but adds procedures for working with that information.

5) Object Oriented Database 2: An object relational database adds objects as fields to a table format
5) Object Oriented Database 2: An object relational database adds objects as fields to a table format