Perl Operators   «Prev  Next»
Lesson 6Increment and decrement operators
Objective Write a program that uses the increment operator.

Increment and Decrement Operators

Perl borrowed the increment and decrement operators from the C language, and added an enhancement in the process.

Numeric Context

The increment operator (++) increments a numeric scalar variable, either before or after the variable is evaluated.
In order to increment the variable before it is evaluated, place the increment operator before the variable (e.g., ++$i). To increment after the variable is evaluated, place the operator after the variable (for example, $i++). For example, post-increment:

$i = 3;
# prints 3, then increments
print $i++; 

And pre-increment:
$i = 3;
# increments, then prints 4
print ++$i;   

The decrement operator has the same properties, post-decrement:
$i = 3;
# prints 3, then decrements
print $i--;   

And pre-decrement:
$i = 3;
# decrements, then prints 2
print --$i;   

String context

The increment operator works on string data as well (although the decrement operator does not).
In a string context, the increment operator increments string data as if they were numbers:

$s = "Ab";
$s++;   # now it's "Ac"

$s = "A3"; 
$s++;   # now it's "A4"

$s = "Baz";
$s++;   # now it's "Bba"

Increment Operator - Exercise

Click the Exercise link below to practice working with the increment operator.
Increment Operator - Exercise

Perl Complete Reference