JDBC   «Prev  Next»
Lesson 9

JDBC Connectivity Conclusion

This module explored the role of JDBC in providing solution developers with enterprise-wide database connectivity capabilities and the JDBC architecture.
You studied the relationship between JDBC and Java. You learned about various database systems and how JDBC was designed to work with relational DBMSs and the relational command language, SQL. You learned about two and n-tier application models. Finally, you learned about how JBDC was designed to leverage the power of Java. Specifically, you learned to:
  1. Distinguish the role and place of JDBC among the Java technologies
  2. Differentiate between DBMS types
  3. Explain the relational model
  4. Describe design considerations for JDBC and ODBC in a solution
  5. Explain what SQL is and its role in database processing
  6. Explain JDBC as it functions in two and n-tier system designs
  7. Describe the capabilities of Java and a DBMS used with JDBC

Describe the capabilities of Java and a relational DBMS when used with JDBC
Java and a relational database management system (RDBMS) can be used with JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) to provide a powerful platform for developing data-driven applications. Some of the capabilities of Java and an RDBMS when used with JDBC include:
  1. Cross-platform compatibility: Java and JDBC are designed to be platform-independent, allowing applications to run on any operating system that supports Java. This makes it easy to develop and deploy applications across multiple platforms.
  2. Scalability: RDBMS systems are highly scalable and can handle large volumes of data and concurrent connections. This makes it possible to build enterprise-level applications that can grow with the needs of the organization.
  3. Security: Java and RDBMS systems provide robust security features that can protect data from unauthorized access. JDBC supports encryption, authentication, and authorization mechanisms, making it easy to implement secure applications.
  4. Transaction management: JDBC supports transaction management, which allows applications to group a set of database operations into a single unit of work. This ensures data consistency and reliability and can prevent data corruption.
  5. Data access: JDBC provides a standardized API for accessing data from an RDBMS, allowing applications to retrieve, update, insert, and delete data from a database. This makes it easy to build data-driven applications that can perform complex operations on data.
Overall, the combination of Java, RDBMS systems, and JDBC provides a powerful platform for building robust and scalable data-driven applications. The standardized JDBC API makes it easy to work with different RDBMS systems and enables developers to write portable code that can be run on different platforms.

Importing Packages

Regardless of which Oracle JDBC driver you use, include the import statements shown in Table 3- 9 at the beginning of your program.
Table 3-9 Import Statements for JDBC Driver
Table 3-9 Import Statements for JDBC Driver

The Oracle packages listed as optional provide access to the extended functionality provided by the Oracle JDBC drivers, but are not required for the example presented in this section.

JDBC Concepts

This module discussed how the following terms related to JDBC:
  1. JDBC: Java API for querying a relational database. It provides methods for querying and updating data in a database. JDBC is oriented towards relational databases.
In the next module, making a JDBC connection will be discussed.