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Java Threads using the Java 1.1 Model

  1. What is the difference between an a) instance of a Thread and a b) "Thread of execution"?

    A "Thread of execution" represents an individual process. An instance of a Thread is an object.
    A thread of execution is an individual process (a"lightweight") process that has its own call stack.

  2. In Java 1.1, how many call stacks per thread are there?

    In Java 1.1, as with all versions of Java, each thread has exactly one call stack. The call stack, also known as the execution stack or runtime stack, is an essential component of the thread's execution environment. It tracks the sequence of method calls, local variables, and control flow within a thread. Each thread's call stack is isolated from those of other threads, ensuring thread safety and consistency during concurrent execution. When a new thread is spawned in Java, the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) allocates a separate call stack for that thread. Each time a method is invoked within that thread, a new frame is pushed onto the call stack, containing the method's parameters, local variables, and the return address. Upon method completion, the frame is popped from the stack, returning control to the calling method.
    This architecture enables threads to execute independently, maintaining their own sequence of method calls and local variable states, even in the early Java 1.1 environment. The one-call-stack-per-thread model is fundamental to Java's threading and execution model and remains consistent across Java versions.

  3. What is the first method on the stack?

    The main() method.

  4. What happens as soon as you create a new thread?

    A new stack materializes and methods called from that thread run in a call stack that is separate from the main() call stack.

  5. Explain why you should not design your program to be dependent on a particular implementation of the JVM?

    Designing a program to be dependent on a particular implementation of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is generally discouraged due to several critical considerations that impact portability, maintainability, and scalability of software. This principle is rooted in the foundational goals of Java, which include "write once, run anywhere" (WORA), aiming to ensure that Java programs can run on any device equipped with a JVM that adheres to the Java specifications. The following points elucidate why reliance on a specific JVM implementation is inadvisable:
    1. Portability Concerns: Java's primary allure is its high degree of portability across different platforms and devices. This is achieved through the JVM, which serves as an abstraction layer between Java applications and the underlying hardware and operating system. Designing a program to depend on the peculiarities of a specific JVM implementation undermines this portability, potentially leading to situations where the program fails to run or encounters unexpected behavior on alternative JVMs.
    2. Future-Proofing and Evolution: JVM implementations are subject to continuous evolution, with updates that may include optimizations, new features, and security enhancements. A program tightly coupled with a specific version or variant of the JVM may not benefit from these advancements or, worse, may break due to changes in the JVM's internal behavior. Ensuring that applications remain agnostic of the underlying JVM implementation safeguards against obsolescence and compatibility issues as both the Java language and its runtime environment evolve.
    3. Vendor Lock-In: Restricting a Java application to a particular JVM implementation can lead to vendor lock-in, limiting the flexibility to switch JVM providers. This can have significant implications for licensing costs, support options, and the ability to leverage specific hardware or software environments optimally. Avoiding dependence on a single JVM implementation preserves the freedom to choose the most suitable JVM based on performance, cost, support, and other critical factors.
    4. Interoperability and Standards Compliance: The Java platform is governed by well-defined specifications intended to ensure consistent behavior across different implementations. Programs reliant on non-standard features or behaviors of a specific JVM might not adhere to these specifications, compromising interoperability with other Java-based software and components. Adhering to the Java standards facilitates integration and compatibility within the broader Java ecosystem.
    5. Scalability and Performance Considerations: Different JVM implementations may offer various optimizations and performance characteristics tailored to specific types of applications or deployment environments. Designing an application to be dependent on the idiosyncrasies of a single JVM can hinder its ability to scale or perform optimally across diverse environments. A more agnostic approach allows for tuning and optimization to achieve the best possible performance on each target platform.

    In conclusion, while leveraging the unique features of a particular JVM implementation might offer short-term benefits, such as performance optimizations, the long-term drawbacks related to portability, maintainability, and scalability significantly outweigh these advantages. Adhering to Java's platform-independent philosophy and avoiding dependencies on specific JVM implementations ensure that Java applications remain robust, flexible, and future-proof.
    Each JVM might have a different thread scheduling mechanism.

  6. In which method do you put the code that needs to be run?

    The run() method will call other methods, but the thread of execution, the new call stack, always begins by invoking run().

  7. What are 2 ways you can instantiate a thread?

    1. Extend the java.lang.Thread class.
    2. Implement the Runnable interface

  8. How do you define code to run in a separate thread?

    1. Extend the java.lang.Thread class
    2. Override the run() method

  9. What is required to have code run by a separate thread?

    To have code run by a separate thread, you still need a Thread instance.

  10. How do you have split the thread and the job into 2 classes?

    1. Thread class for Thread specific code
    2. Runnable implementation class: For you job that should be run by a Thread code.

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