Java Questions 21 - 30  «Prev  Next»

Java Questions 28

  1. When does the instance of operator return true?
    The instanceof operator returns true if the reference variable being tested is of the type being compared to.
  2. What is true of every class in Java?
    Every class in Java is a subclass of class Object (except of course the class Object).
  3. What is true about every class that you create?
    Whenever you create a class, you automatically inherit all of the methods in the class Object.
  4. What are the two most common reasons to use inheritance?
    The 2 most common reasons to use inheritance are
    1. To promote code resuse
    2. To use polymorphism.

  5. The IS-A relationships is based on ?
    The concept of IS-A is based on
    1. class inheritance or
    2. interface implementation
  6. Give two examples of a "IS-A Relationship"?
    A mustang "is a" type of horse.
    A grizzly "is a" type of bear.
  7. Answer:
    Animal is a superclass of mammal.
    Mammal is a superclass of human.
  8. How does the "IS-A" relationship relate to the extends keyword?
    Car extends Vehicle means Car "IS-A" vehicle.
  9. Write a class Mammal that inherits from Animal.
    public class Animal{}
    public class Mammal extends Animal{
    	private Lungs mammalLungs;
  10. What test must a Java object pass in order to be considered polymorphic?
    Any Java object that can pass more than one IS-A test can be considered polymorphic.