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Java Arithmetic operators

Operator Description Example Result
+ (Unary) Sign identification +1 1
+ (Binary) Addition 2 + 2 4
- (Unary) Negation -x The sign of x is changed.
- (Binary) Subtraction 3 - 2 1
++ (Prefix) Increment and then return the new value. x=1;
The value of x is 2 and the value of y is 2.
++ (Postfix) Return the current value and then increment. x=1;
The value of x is 2 and the value of y is 1.
-- (Prefix) Decrement and then return the new value. x=1;
The value of x is 0 and the value of y is 0.
-- (Postfix) Return the current value and then decrement. x=1;
The value of x is 0 and the value of y is 1.
* Multiplication. 4 * 4 16
/ Division. Note that rounding towards zero is used with integer types. 19 / 4 4
% Remainder. Take the remainder after division. The sign of the operand determines the sign of the result. 19 % 4 3
+ (String) String concatenation. "abc" + "def" "abcdef"