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Lesson 13More on bound property registration methods
ObjectiveLearn more about bound property registration methods.

Bound Property Registration Methods

The two bound property registration methods you just learned about
public void addPropertyChangeListener  (PropertyChangeListener l);
public void removePropertyChangeListener  (PropertyChangeListener l);
apply to all properties, meaning that all bound properties will deliver notifications to a listener.
It is up to the listener to determine which specific property changed.
Although this approach works fine, there is also a way for a listener to bind to a specific property. A Bean supports individual property binding by providing a pair of registration methods for each property.
For example, following is a pair of listener registration methods for a bound property named score:

public voidaddScoreListener(PropertyChangeListener l);
public voidremoveScoreListener(PropertyChangeListener l);

How these methods work

These methods work just like the global listener registration methods, except that they only apply to the score property.
Per-property registration methods are always provided in addition to the global registration methods and primarily serve as a convenience. In the next lesson, you learn about constrained properties.