Java Questions 51 - 100  «Prev Next»

Java Dynamic Cast

  1. How do you perform a dynamic cast using a Class cast type object instead of the static cast operator?

    Answer: Java 5 has a new method called Class.cast. This is the dynamic equivalent of the cast operator in Java.

  2. When would you use the ConcurrentHashMap class?

    The java.util.ConcurrentHashMap is a collection that works much like the other collections except it provides concurrency support.

  3. What is an "instance method"?

    This is the method that the object contains.

  4. Is the Inputstream a class or an interface?

    A class Public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DatInput

  5. What is one of the applications of a finally block?

    A finally block is used to guarantee that input stream and output stream will be closed even if an error occurs.

  6. When should you use byte streams?

    When dealing with the most primitive input and output operations.

  7. What purpose does the keyword "transient" serve?

    Answer: The transient keyword in the Java language is used for Java Serialization. Any field marked transient will not be saved to disk. This is useful when a class contains a reference to another object that does not implement Serializable but you still would like to persist a class instance to disk.

  8. What is serialization in Java?

    One approach to saving a data model to disk is to write all of the object instances in the data model's object graph to disk, and then simply reload them at a later time. Deserializing an object is the process of reconstructing the object instance from the data members written to disk.

  9. What is the readResolve() method in Java?

    The accessibility of the readResolve method is significant. If you place a readResolve method on a non-final class you must carefully consider its accessibility.

  10. What do all array types implement?

    All array types implement the cloneable interface. Any array can be copied by invoking its clone() method.