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Download J2EE Reference Platform - Exercise

Download the J2EE Reference Platform

Download the software

Objective: Download the J2EE platform and appropriate JDK.

Exercise scoring

You will receive 1 point for this exercise. The exercise is auto-scored; when you have completed the exercise, click the Submit button to receive full credit.


The J2EE SDK and the Java 2 JDK are available for free from Enterprise Edition 8 SDK.
They are downloaded in the normal way for Java software through your browser.

Download files

Java 2 Software Development Kit Enterprise Edition (J2EE SDK)
Java 2 Standard Edition Software Development Kit (JDK1.2.x)


  1. If you have not already done so, download the JDK 1.2.2 (or later) SDK plus its documentation onto your machine. Use the URL Java SE downloads
    Once downloaded, install it in the default directory for Java software.
  2. Download the J2EE SDK and documentation from Oracle j2ee. Install both of these in the default directory for this software.
  3. Make a note of the directories where you to installed the software, as you will need these later when configuring the J2EE environment.
Make a note of the installation directories of both the J2EE platform and the JDK. In the following exercises, I will use <J2EE_HOME> to represent the installation directory of the J2EE SDK and <JAVA_HOME> to represent the installation directory where you installed the JDK.


If you are unfamiliar with downloading Java software, refer to the instructions on the Web page from which you are downloading the software. If, for any reason, you do not have access to the Web or do not have authority to download Java software, please refer to your System Administrator, or the person responsible for installing and setting up software.
Do not forget to download and install the documentation for each of the software packages. You will need it later.

Submitting your exercise

Once you have complete the steps above, click the Submit button to get credit for this exercise and continue to the next lesson.